Rigid bodies and deformable solids – Tension, Compression and Shear Stresses – Deformation of simple and compound bars – Thermal stresses – Elastic constants – Volumetric strains –Stresses on inclined planes – principal stresses and principal planes – Mohr’s circle of stress.
Types of beams: Supports and Loads - Shear force and Bending Moment in beams - Cantilever, simply supported and Overhanging beams -Point of contra Flexure - Stresses in beams: Bending and shear stress. Elastic curve of Neutral axis of the beam under normal loads - Evaluation of beam deflection and slope: Double integration method, Macaulay Method
Torsion formulation stresses and deformation in circular and hollows shafts – Stepped shafts– Deflection in shafts fixed at the both ends – Stresses in helical springs – Deflection of helical springs.
- Columns- End conditions -equivalent length of a column -Euler equation -Slenderness ratio -Rankine formula for columns.
Stresses in thin cylindrical shell due to internal pressure, circumferential and longitudinal stresses and deformation in thin and thick cylinders – spherical shells subjected to internal pressure –Deformation in spherical shells – Lame’s theorem.
Reference Book:
1. R.S.Khurmi, “Strength of Materials”, S.Chand and Company Ltd. New Delhi 2015. 2. Ray Hulse, Keith Sherwin & Jack Cain, “Solid Mechanics”, Palgrave ANE Books, 2012. 3. Ryder G.H, “Strength of Materials, Macmillan India Ltd”., Third Edition, 2016 4. Ferdinand P. Been, Russell Johnson, J.r. and John J. Dewole "Mechanics of Materials", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing ‘co. Ltd., New Delhi, 2016 5. Jindal U.C., "Strength of Materials", Asian Books Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2009
Text Book:
1. R.K.Bansal, "Strength of Materials", Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd., 2018. (Unit I, II, III, IV, V). 2. R.K.Rajput, “Strength of Materials”, S.Chand and Company Ltd., New Delhi 2018,