Introduction to Cyber Crime. Need for Cyber Law, Controlling And Preventing Cybercrime. Information Technology ACT 2000; E-Governance: Legal Recognition of Electronic Records.
Regulating Certifying Authorities: Recognition of Foreign Authorities, License to Issue Electronic Signature Certificates; Penalty and Compensation for Damaging to Computer System, Compensation for Failure to Protect Data.
Tampering with Computer Source Documents; Interception & Monitoring of Electronic Communications; Punishment for Cyber Terrorism; Offenses.
Personal Jurisdiction in Cyberspace; Freedom of Expression and privacy in Cyberspace. Governance of social media. Intellectual property protection; Cyber Crimes & Legal Framework Cyber Crimes against Individuals, Institution and State.
Introduction to ethical hacking- Vulnerability scanning using NMAP and Nessus. Differences between a bug bounty and a client-initiated pentest-Ethical hacking tool: Burp Suite-Configuring Burp Suite-Setting up proxy listeners, Creating target scopes in Burp Suite. OTP by pass using brute force attack
Reference Book:
1 Sushma Arora, Raman Arora, Cyber Crimes & Laws, 4th Edition 2021, Publisher: Taxmann, ISBN-10: 9390712491 2 N S Nappinai, Technology Laws Decoded, 1st Edition, Publisher: Lexis Nexis, ISBN: 9789350359723 3 Suresh T. Vishwanathan, The Indian Cyber Law, Bharat Law House New Delhi
Text Book:
1 K.Kumar,” Cyber Laws: Intellectual property & E Commerce, Security”,1st Edition, Dominant Publisher,2021. 2 Rodney D. Ryder, “Guide To Cyber Laws”, Second Edition, Wadhwa And Company, New Delhi, 2017.