Introduction of HTML, HTML Tags and their properties, Introduction of CSS, Applying CSS to HTML, Selectors, Properties and Values, CSS Colors and Backgrounds, CSS Margins, Padding, and Borders, Types of CSS – Inline, Embedded, Linked/External and Imported. LAB-Create a static Web Page for Next-Generation of IoT (NG-IoT)
Bootstrap Framework - Responsive Web Design, Basics, Containers, Colors Grids, Tables, Images, Alerts Buttons, Navs, Navigation Bars, Forms, Bootstrap Themes Bootstrap CSS, Bootstrap JS. Validation. Introduction to JavaScript, Objects, Events, Strings, Conditions, Switch, Loops, Functions, HTML DOM. jQuery Syntax, AJAX. LAB -Creating admin dashboard by using bootstrap 5 for an organization
PHP Syntax- Variables, Data Types, Strings, Operators, If...Else...Elseif, Switch, Loops, Functions, Arrays, Form Validation, Date and Time, Cookies, Sessions, Exception, MySQL. Classes and Objects, Constructor, Access Modifiers, PHP JSON Functions, code igniter4 LAB: Create a website for your software company using PHP with CodeIgniter Framework
Concept of DOMAIN, Concept of Hosting, C Panel, uploading website on server, Project on web designing, Deployment, API Integration- Benefits of API integration, Website Design Tips, IoT and Web Development work together, Next generation IoT sensors: Visual Sensors, LAB-Develop a Website for Creating schemes or Chosen schemes by the society by voting.
Evolution of Internet of Things (IoT): Past, present and future, Special Issue: NG-IoT: Opportunities, Challenges, and Solutions, No SQL -5G-IoT Networks, Future Trends in IoT, Broad Definition of Internet of Things, IoT Information Lifecycle, Create Your IoT. LAB-Create Your NG-IoT Based website for Farmer Producer Organizations (FPO).
Reference Book:
Mayur Ramgir, Full Stack Java Development with Spring MVC, Hibernate, JQuery, and Bootstrap Paperback – 1 January 2020, Chris Northwood, The Full Stack Developer, press, 2018
Text Book:
By Riaz Ahmed, Full Stack Web Development for Beginners: Learn Ecommerce Web Development Using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, MySQL, and PHP, independently Published 2022 Steve Suehring Tim Converse Joyce Park, PHP6 and My SQL, Wiley India PVT Ltd,reprint 2010,Delhi