Introduction to Traditional Computer Crime, Traditional problems associated with Computer Crime. Introduction to Identity Theft & Identity Fraud. Types of CF techniques - Incident and incident response methodology - Forensic duplication and investigation. Preparation for IR: Creating response tool kit and IR team. - Forensics Technology and Systems - Understanding Computer Investigation – Data Acquisition.
Processing Crime and Incident Scenes – Working with Windows and DOS Systems. Current Computer Forensics Tools: Software/ Hardware Tools.
Validating Forensics Data – Data Hiding Techniques – Performing Remote Acquisition – Network Forensics – Email Investigations – Cell Phone and Mobile Devices Forensics
Introduction to Ethical Hacking - Footprinting and Reconnaissance - Scanning Networks - Enumeration - System Hacking - Malware Threats - Sniffing
Social Engineering - Denial of Service - Session Hijacking - Hacking Web servers - Hacking Web Applications – SQL Injection - Hacking Wireless Networks - Hacking Mobile Platforms.
Reference Book:
1. John R.Vacca, ―Computer Forensics‖, Cengage Learning, 2015 2. MarjieT.Britz, ―Computer Forensics and Cyber Crime‖: An Introduction‖, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall, 2013. 3. Ankit Fadia ― Ethical Hacking‖ Second Edition, Macmillan India Ltd, 2006 4. Kenneth C.Brancik ―Insider Computer Fraud‖ Auerbach Publications Taylor & Francis Group–2008.
Text Book:
1. Bill Nelson, Amelia Phillips, Frank Enfinger, Christopher Steuart, ―Computer Forensics and Investigations‖, Cengage Learning, India Edition, 2016. 2. CEH official Certified Ethical Hacking Review Guide, Wiley India Edition, 2015.