Characteristics of living organisms- Basic classification- cell theory- structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell- Introduction to biomolecules: definition- general classification and important functions of carbohydrates- lipids- proteins- nucleic acids vitamins and enzymes- genes and chromosomes.
Plant system: basic concepts of plant growth- nutrition- photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation- Animal system: elementary study of digestive- respiratory- circulatory- excretory systems and their functions- Microbial system: history- types of microbes- economic importance and control of microbes.
Evolution: theories of evolution- Mendel's cell division- mitosis and meiosis- evidence of e laws of inheritance- variation and speciation- nucleic acids as a genetic material- central dogma immunity- antigens- antibody- immune response.
Definition- causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diabetes, cancer, hypertension, influenza, AIDS and hepatitis.
Transgenic plants and animals- stem cell and tissue engineering- bioreactors- biopharming- recombinant vaccines- cloning- drug discovery- biological neural networks- bioremediation- biofertilizer- biocontrol- biofilters- biosensors- biopolymers- bioenergy- biomaterials- biochips- basic biomedical instrumentation
Reference Book:
Biology for Engineers, Thyagarajan S., Selvamurugan N., Rajesh M.P., Nazeer R.A., Thilagaraj W., Barathi S., and Jaganthan M.K., Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2012.
Text Book:
Biology for Engineers, Arthur T. Johnson, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, 2011