JavaScript Fundamentals - Objects - Generators, advanced iteration - Modules - DOM tree - Node properties - browser events - Event delegation - UI Events -Forms, controls - Document and resource loading - Mutation observer - Event loop: microtasks and macrotasks - MERN Components - React - Node.js - Express - MongoDB - Need for MERN - Server-Less Hello World - Server Setup - nvm - Node.js - npm.
React Introduction - React ES6 - React Render HTML - React JSX - Components -React Classes - Composing Components - Passing Data - Dynamic Composition - React state - setting State - Async State Initialization - Event Handling Communicating from Child to Parent - Stateless Components -Designing components- React Forms - React CSS - React SaaS
Node.js basics - Local and Export Modules - Node Package Manager - Node.js web server - Node.js File system - Node Inspector - Node.js EventEmitter - Frameworks for Node.js - Express.js Web App - Serving static Resource - Node.js Data Access - Express REST APIs - REST - Resource Based - HTTP Methods as Actions - JSON- Express - Routing - Handler Function - Middleware - The List API - Automatic Server Restart - Testing - The Create API - Using the List API - Using the Create API- Error Handling - Template Engine.
MongoDB Basics-Collections - Query Language -The mongo Shell - Schema InitializationMongoDB Node.js Driver - Reading from MongoDB - Writing to MongoDB, CRUD operations - projections - Indexing - Aggregation - Replication - Sharding - Creating backup – Deployment.
Modularization and Webpack - Routing with React Router - Forms - More Filters in the List API - UI Components - Update API - Delete API - React-Bootstrap - Bootstrap Installation - Navigation - Table and Panel - Forms - Alerts - Modals -Server Rendering - Basic Server Rendering - Handling State-session handling.
Reference Book:
David Flanagan, “Java Script: The Definitive Guideâ€, O’Reilly Media, Inc, 7th Edition, 2020 2. Matt Frisbie, "Professional JavaScript for Web Developers", Wiley Publishing, Inc, 4th Edition, ISBN: 978-1-119-36656-0, 2019 3. Alex Banks, Eve Porcello, "Learning React", O’Reilly Media, Inc, 2nd Edition, 2020 4. Marc Wandschneider, “Learning Nodeâ€, Addison-Wesley Professional, 2nd Edition, 2016 5. Shama Hoque, “Full-Stack React Projectsâ€, Packt Publishing ,2nd Edition,2020 6. Eddy Wilson IriarteKoroliova , MERN Quick Start Guide: Build web applications with MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node, Packt Publishing, 1st Edition,2018.
Text Book:
Pro MERN Stack, Full Stack Web App Development with Mongo, Express, React, and Node, Vasan Subramanian, A Press Publisher, 2019.