Introduction to German Language- Alphabets-Greetings and goodbye - Introduce yourself and others - numbers -how to give your telephone number and email address -Speak about countries- languages - words.-Vowels- Read & Write-Tenses.
Speaking about hobbies - fixing meetings and appointments - name days of the week - about work. Speak about Professions and working hours
Name places and buildings - Ask questions about places - Assigning texts to a picture story - Enquire about things - Name means of transport - ask for directions and describe a way -understand texts with international words - learn articles
Speak about food - plan for shopping - conversations while shopping - conversations while eating - Understand texts with W questions -Organize and learn words
Understanding and saying the time -Specify times - to talk about family -To plan something together n to talk about birthdays - Understand and write an invitation -to Order and pay in the restaurant n to talk about an event
Reference Book:
1 2 3
Text Book:
1. Netzwerk Deutsch als fremdsprache A1.1 Kursbuch 2. Netzwerk Deutsch als fremdsprache A1.1 Arbeitsbuch