Introduction to OOP - Object oriented programming paradigms - Features of Object-Oriented Programming - Overview of Java - Programming Structures in Java - Java programming elements - Control Statements - Looping Statements - Arrays.
Defining classes in Java - Constructors - Methods - Access specifiers - Static members - Objects as Parameters - Returning Objects –Static, this keyword - Nested and Inner Classes. Inbuilt classes: String - Character - String Buffer - File.
Inheritance in Java - Types of Inheritance - polymorphism - Method Overriding- method overloading - Dynamic Method Dispatch - Super keyword - final keyword with Inheritance. Abstract Classes -Packages and Interfaces: Packages – Packages and Member Access - Importing Packages - Interfaces
Exception Handling: Errors in Java program - Exception, throw clause- throws clause - Types of Exception - Threads: single tasking - Multi-tasking - Uses of threads - creating a thread and running it - terminating the Thread - Thread class methods
Events Handling -AWT Button - AWT Label - AWT Text Field - AWT Text Area- AWT Checkbox - AWT checkboxgroup - AWT choice - AWT list - AWT canvas - AWT scrollbar - AWT MenuItem & Menu - AWT PopupMenu - AWT Panel - AWT Dialog - AWT Toolkit - JAVA Applet Basics - Event handling in Applet .
Reference Book:
1.Cay S. Horstmann, “Core Java Fundamentalsâ€, Volume 1, 11th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2018. 2.Herbert Schildt; Dr. Danny Coward Java: The Complete Reference, 13th Edition, 2020
Text Book:
Herbert Schildt, “Java: The Complete Referenceâ€, 11 th Edition, McGraw Hill Education, New Delhi, 2019