Fundamentals - Computer Hardware – Computer Software - Algorithms - Building blocks of algorithms (statements, state, control flow, functions) - Notation (pseudo code, flow chart, and programming language) -Problem formulation - Algorithmic problem solving - Simple strategies for developing algorithms (iteration, recursion). Illustrative problems.
Introduction to ‘C’ Programming –Fundamental rules – Structure of a ‘C’ program – Compilation and Linking processes –Constants, Variables, keywords, Identifier, Delimiters – Declaring and Initializing variables – Data Types – Operators and Expressions –Managing Input and Output operations – Decision Making and Branching –Looping statements –Illustrative programs.
Arrays – Characteristics, Initialization – Declaration – One dimensional and two dimensional arrays - String- String operations – String Arrays. Simple programs-Sorting - Searching – Matrix operations (Addition, subtraction and Multiplication) –Illustrative programs.
Function – Definition of function – User-defined Functions - Declaration of function – Call by reference – Call by value – Recursion – Pointers - Definition – Initialization –Pointer arithmetic – Pointers and arrays –Illustrative programs.
Defining Structures and Unions – Structure declaration – Need for Structure data type - Structure within a structure - Union - Programs using structures and Unions - Pre-processor directives – Illustrative programs.
Reference Book:
Byron Gottfried, “Programming with Câ€, 2nd Edition, (Indian Adapted Edition), TMH Publications, (2006). (Unit II, III, IV). Stephan G kochan, “Programming in C†Pearson Education (2008), (UNIT II, III, IV, V) P.Sudharson, “Computer Programmingâ€, RBA Publications (2008), (UNIT I, II, III, IV) Yashavant P. Kanetkar. “Let Us Câ€, BPB Publications, 2014.(Unit II, III, IV, V) Anita Goel and Ajay Mittal, “Computer Fundamentals and Programming in Câ€, Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd., Pearson Education in South Asia, 2011. (UNIT – I, II, III, IV, V)
Text Book:
E.Balagurusamy, “Fundamentals of Computing and Computer Programmingâ€, 2nd Edition Tata McGRaw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, (2012). (UNIT – I, II, III, IV, V) Ashok.N.Kamthane,“ Computer Programmingâ€, Pearson Education (India) (2010). (UNIT –II, III IV, V) Reema Thareja, “Programming in Câ€, 2nd Edition, Oxford University Press,(2015). (UNIT – I,II, III, IV, V)