Introduction, mechanisms and machines, terminology, planar mechanism - Kinematic diagram and inversion, Mobility, Coincident joints, Grubbler and Grashoff’s law, Four bar, single and double slider mechanisms and their inversions. Construction of velocity and acceleration diagram by graphical method (Relative Velocity Method), Four bar mechanism, slider crank mechanisms
Cam terminology, types of cams and followers, Types of follower motion and its derivatives, under cutting, Displacement, velocity and acceleration for different follower motion, Tutorial on construction of cam profile for radial follower with different motion, Tutorial on construction of cam profile for offset follower, with different motion, Cams with special contours, Tutorial on velocity and acceleration for cams with specified contours.
Gear: terminology, fundamental of gearing, involute profile, interference and undercutting, minimum number of teeth, contact ratio - Gear trains: simple, compound and epicyclic. Introduction to automobile differential, Gyroscopic forces, couple, processional angular motion, Gyroscopic effects on airplane and ship, Tutorial on gyroscopic effect on four wheelers.
Introduction-D’ Alembert’s principle-static and inertial force analysis of reciprocating engine Equivalent dynamic system. Turning moment diagram-four stroke engine-multicylinder engine-design of flywheel of IC engine-design of flywheel rim.
Introduction-D’ Alembert’s principle-static and inertial force analysis of reciprocating engine Equivalent dynamic system. Turning moment diagram-four stroke engine-multicylinder engine-design of flywheel of IC engine-design of flywheel rim.
Reference Book:
Joseph Edward Shigley and John Joseph Uicker Jr., Theory of Machines and Mechanisms SI Edition, 2014, Oxford University Press Norton R. L, Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery, , 2017, McGraw-Hill Education Shigley, “Theory of Machines”, Tata McGraw Hill, 6th Edition, (2013). Thomas Bevan, “Theory of Machines”, 3rd Edition, CBS Publishers and Distributors (2011) Sadhu Singh “Theory of Machines” Pearson Education, Chennai, 2014
Text Book:
Khurmi, R.S., ”Theory of Machines”, 14th Edition, S Chand Publications, Chennai, 2016 Rattan, S.S, “Theory of Machines”, 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, (2016)