Introduction - Need for quality - Evolution of quality - Definitions of quality - Dimensions of product and service quality - Basic concepts of TQM - TQM Framework - Contributions of Deming, Juran and Crosby - Barriers to TQM - Quality statements - Customer focus - Customer orientation, Customer satisfaction, Customer complaints, Customer retention - Costs of quality
Leadership - Strategic quality planning, Quality Councils - Employee involvement - Motivation, Empowerment, Team and Teamwork, Quality circles Recognition and Reward, Performance appraisal - Continuous process improvement - PDCA cycle, 5S, Kaizen - Supplier partnership - Partnering, Supplier selection, Supplier Rating
The seven traditional tools of quality - New management tools - Six sigma: Concepts, Methodology, applications to manufacturing, service sector including IT - Bench marking - Reason to bench mark, Bench marking process - FMEA - Stages, Types
Control Charts - Process Capability - Concepts of Six Sigma - Quality Function Development (QFD) - Taguchi quality loss function - TPM - Concepts, improvement needs - Performance measures.
Introduction—Benefits of ISO Registration—ISO 9000 Series of Standards—Sector-Specific Standards—AS 9100, TS16949 and TL 9000-- ISO 9001 Requirements—Implementation— Documentation—Internal Audits—Registration- ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: Introduction—ISO 14000 Series Standards—Concepts of ISO 14001—Requirements of ISO 14001—Benefits of EMS.
Reference Book:
1. James R. Evans and William M. Lindsay, "The Management and Control of Quality", 8 th Edition, First Indian Edition, Cengage Learning, 2012. 2. Suganthi.L and Anand Samuel, "Total Quality Management", Prentice Hall (India) Pvt. Ltd., 2006 3. Janakiraman. B and Gopal .R.K., "Total Quality Management - Text and Cases", Prentice Hall (India) Pvt. Ltd., 2006.
Text Book:
1.Dale H. Besterfiled, et at., "Total quality Management", Pearson Education Asia, Third Edition, Indian Reprint 2006.