Basic Terminology - Kinematic link, Pair, joints, Structure, Machine, Degree of freedom, Grubler & Kutzbach Criterion– Mechanism –Mobility of mechanism. Simple mechanisms - Four bar, Single slider crank chain and Double slider crank chain mechanism and their inversions. Intermittent Motion Mechanisms. Mechanical advantage - Transmission Angle.
Construction of velocity and acceleration diagram by graphical method (Relative Velocity Method), Four bar mechanism, slider crank mechanisms and complex mechanism. Introduction - terminology, classifications, types of follower motion - Uniform Velocity Motion, Simple Harmonic Motion, Uniform Acceleration and Retardation Motion - Construction of cam profile - Knife edge follower, Roller and flat faced follower.
General profiles of gears- Theory of involutes gearing -Contact ratio - Gear trains: Simple, Compound, Reverted and Epicyclic gear train. Balancing- need of balancing, concept of static and dynamic balancing, Balancing of rotating mass by another mass in the same plane, Forces due to revolving masses.
Basic features of vibratory systems- Equations of motion - natural frequency of free longitudinal and transverse vibrations - Whirling of shafts and critical speed - Damped free vibration. Response to periodic forcing - Harmonic Forcing – Forced vibration caused by unbalance Vibration isolation – Vibration Measurement.
Governors - Types - Centrifugal governors - Gravity controlled and spring controlled governors –Characteristics - Effect of friction - Controlling Force. Gyroscopes – Gyroscopic forces and torques- Gyroscopic couple - Gyroscopic stabilization - Gyroscopic effects in Automobiles, ships and airplanes.
Reference Book:
1.Shigley, “Theory of Machinesâ€, Tata McGraw Hill, 6th Edition, (2013). (Unit I,II,III, IV). 2.Thomas Bevan, “Theory of Machinesâ€, 3rd Edition, CBS Publishers and Distributors (2011) (Unit I,II,III,IV,V) 3.Sadhu Singh “Theory of Machines†Pearson Education, Chennai, 2014 (Unit I, II, III, IV, V). 4.V.Ramamurthi, "Mechanics of Machines", Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 2015 (Unit V).
Text Book:
1.Khurmi, R.S., â€Theory of Machinesâ€, 14th Edition, S Chand Publications, Chennai, 2016 (Unit II, III, IV, V). 2.Rattan, S.S, “Theory of Machinesâ€, 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, (2016) (Unit I, II, III,IV and V)