General theory of transmission lines - General Solution of the transmission line - Waveform distortion and distortion less transmission line - Loading of transmission lines, Input and Transfer impedance - Reflection factor and reflection loss. The Line at Radio Frequencies: Line of Zero dissipation - Standing naves and standing wave ratio on a line - Impedance matching: Quarter wave Transformer. The Smith Chat and its applications - Single stub matching and Double stub matching.
Waves between parallel planes of perfect conductors - Transverse electric and transverse magnetic waves - Transverse Electromagnetic waves - characteristics of TE, TM, and TEM Waves - TE and TM Waves in Rectangular Wave guides - TE and TM waves in circular wave guides - Microwave cavity Resonators.
Review of electromagnetic theory: Concept of vector potential. Modification for time-varying retarded case - Radiation from a current element and half-wave dipole. Antenna fundamentals: Antenna fundamentals and definition of antenna parameters; Slot antennas, Babinet's principle. Antenna arrays: Two element array, Principle of Pattern Multiplication, N element Uniform Linear Arrays - Broadside and End fire Arrays, Binomial Arrays.
Horn Antennas, Reflector Antennas - Geometrical characteristics - types of feeds, Micro strip Antennas - design - types of feeds, Log periodic antenna, Lens Antennas, Helical Antenna in Axial and Normal Modes-UWB Antennas - Reconfigurable antenna.
Antenna Measurement-Measurement of Antenna Pattern-Impedance Measurement, Gain Measurement and Directivity Measurement Ground wave Propagation: Attenuation characteristics for ground wave propagation, calculate field strength at a distance Skywave Propagation: Structure of ionosphere Mechanism of Reflection and Refraction frequency, MUF and skip distance, Optimum frequency, Virtual Height Space wave propagation-Reflection from ground for vertically and horizontally polarized , reflection characteristics of the earth. Resultant of direct and reflected ray at receiver , Duct Propagation.
Reference Book:
C.A. Balanis, Antenna Theory - Analysis and Design, 2016, 3rd edition, Wiley & Sons, New York, USA. I.J. Bahl and P. Bhartia, Micro Strip Antennas, Artech House, 1980. R.E. Collin, Antennas and Radio Wave Propagation, McGraw Hill, 1985.
Text Book:
1. John D Ryder, “Networks lines and fieldsâ€,Prentice Hall of India,New Delhi,2005.(Unit I–IV) 2. E.C.Jordan and K.G.Balmain “ Electro Magnetic Waves and Radiating system,PHI,NewDelhi, 2003 [Unit II] 3. J. D. Krauss, R. J. Marhefka and A. S. Khan, Antenna and Wave Propagation, 2012, 4th edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, India. (Unit III-Unit-V)