Risk, Types, Sources of Risk, Measurement of Risk, Risk Identification and Evaluation of Risk.
Risk Avoidance, Loss Control, Risk Retention, Risk Transfer, Value of risk Management and Risk Diversification.
Principles of Insurance, Requisites of Insurable risk, Requirements and Characteristics of an InsuranceContract, Income Tax Treatment of Life Insurance, Life Insurance contract Provisions
General Insurance, Principles of general insurance, General Insurance Products (Fire, Motor, Health), Double Insurance
Risk management and the Insurance Industry, Functions and Organization of Insurers, Government Regulation of Risk Management and Insurance.
Reference Book:
1. Mark S. Dorfman, “Introduction to Risk management and Insuranceâ€, 10th Edition, Prentice hall of India, 2021. (Units -I,II,III, IV &V). 2. Skipper & Kwon, “Risk management and Insuranceâ€, Blackwell Publishing, 2020. (Unit I, II, III, IV &V). (Units -I &II). 3. NaliniPraveTripathy, and Prabir Pal, “Insurance – Theory and Practiceâ€, Prentice hall of India, 2020. (Units -I,II,III,IV&V). 4. George E Rejda, “Principles ofRisk Management and Insuranceâ€, Pearson Education, 8th Edition, 2019.(Units -I,II,III,IV&V).
Text Book:
1. Trieschman, Hoyt & Sommer, “Risk management and Insuranceâ€, Cengage Learning, 5th Edition, (2021). (Units -I,II,III,IV & V) .2. Harrington and Niehaus, “Risk management and Insuranceâ€, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing, New Delhi, 3rd Edition, 2020.(Units -I,II,III,IV & V).