Functional units Basic operational concepts Bus Structures Performance Memory locations and addresses - Memory operations-Instruction and Instruction sequencing Addressing modes -Assembly language-Case study: RISC and CISCÂ Architecture.
Addition and subtraction of signed numbers Design of fast adders Multiplication of positive numbers Signed operand multiplication- fast multiplication Integer division Floating point numbers and operations
Fundamental concepts Execution of a complete instruction Multiple bus organization - Hardwired control Micro programmed control-Pipelining: Basic concepts Data hazards Instruction hazards-Influence on Instruction sets-Data path and control consideration.
Basic concepts of Semiconductor RAMS ROMS Speed, Size and Cost Cache memories Performance consideration Virtual memory Memory Management requirements - Secondary storage-Case Study: Memory Organization in Multiprocessors
Accessing I/O devices Interrupts Direct Memory Access-Buses-Interface circuits - Standard I/O Interfaces (PCI, SCSI, USB) -Instruction Level Parallelism Concepts and Challenges Introduction to multicore processor-Graphics Processing Unit
Reference Book:
1. David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy - "Computer Organization and Design, Morgan Kaufmann, 2013. 2. M. Morris Mano- "Computer System Architecture, Pearson, 2007. 3. David Harris and Sarah Harris - "Digital Design and Computer Architecture, Morgan Kaufmann, 2012. 4.Andrew S. Tanenbaum- "Structured Computer Organization, Pearson, 2013.
Text Book:
Carl Hamacher, Zvonko Vranesic and Safwat Zaky, "Computer Organization", McGraw-Hill, 6 Edition 2012. (UNIT I, II, III, IV, V)