Introduction – CAD definition – design process – CAD activities – benefits and scope of CAD. Transformations: Scaling, Rotation, Pan, Redraw, Regenerate-Geometric modelling techniques: wire frame, surface, solid modelling.
Numerical control – development of NC – DNC – CNC and adaptive control systems –CNC EDM machine – Coordinate measuring machines: construction, working principles and specifications – maintenance of CNC machines- CNC lathe.
Open loop and closed loop control system - feedback devices: encoders – linear and rotary transducers. NC dimensioning –reference points – machine zero, work zero, tool zero and tool offsets - Coordinate system – types of motion control: point-to-point, paraxial and contouring – Types of NC part programming – G and M codes - turning and milling part programming examples.
Introduction, Automation strategies, Types of Automation - Hard and Soft Automation, AGVs-Group Technology: Introduction, Coding Methods-FMS - Components of FMS - Types - FMS workstation -Material handling and storage systems- FMS layout -Application and benefits.
RIA definition of Robot, Laws of robotics - Classification of robots- robot anatomy, Point to point and continuous path robotic systems, Joints, End Effectors, Grippers - Mechanical, Magnetic and Pneumatic, Applications.
Reference Book:
1. Ibrahim Zeid, Mastering CAD/CAM, Special Indian Edition 2009, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd. (Unit III,IV,V) 2. P.N.Rao, CAD/CAM Principles and Applications, 2010, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd. (Unit I,II). 3. Rajput R.K., “Robotics and Industrial Automationâ€, S.Chand and Company, 2010 (Unit IV &, V)
Text Book:
1. Mikell.P.Groover “Automation, Production Systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturingâ€, Pearson India Education Services India Ltd., 2016 (Unit I, II, III, IV, V). 2. Radhakrishnan P, Subramanyan.SandRaju V., “CAD/CAM/CIMâ€, New Age International (P) Ltd, New Delhi,2nd Edition, 2013 (Unit II, III, V)