Introduction and Application of General Fourier series
Introduction and Application of General Fourier series
problems based on full range series
Tutorial 1: Problems under full range series
Tutorial 2: problems under half range sine series
Tutorial 3: Problems under Half range cosine series
Introduction and Application of Fourier transforms
Tutorial 3: Problems under Convolution theorem and Parseval’s identity.
Transform of elementary functions
Properties of Fourier Transforms
Tutorial 2: Problems under Fourier sine and cosine Transforms
Fourier cosine Transforms
Introduction and Application of Fourier transforms
Tutorial 1: Problems under Fourier integral theorem
Introduction to Partial Differential Equation & Formation of partial differential equation
Formation of partial differential equation
Solutions of standard types of first order PDE
Tutorial 1: Problems based on Formation of partial differential equations
Standard types and Equations reducible to standard types
Lagrange’s Linear equation
Lagrange’s Linear equation
Tutorial 2: Problems based on Lagrange’s Linear equation
Solution of linear equations of second and higher order with constant coefficients
Solution of linear equations of higher order with constant coefficients and both homogeneous equations
Tutorial 3: Problems based on Solution of linear
Introduction and Application of one and two dimensional heat equations
Method of separation of variables
Solutions of one dimensional wave equation
Tutorial 1: problems in Solutions of one dimensional wave equation
Solutions of one dimensional wave equation
Solutions of one dimensional wave equation
Solutions of one dimensional heat equation
Solutions of one dimensional heat equation
Tutorial 2: Problems under Solutions of one dimensional heat equation
Steady state solution of two-dimensional heat equation
Fourier series solutions in Cartesian coordinates
Tutorial 3: Problems in Steady state solution of two-dimensional heat equation
Introduction and Application of Z-Transform
Problems based on Z-transform
Tutorial 1: Problems based on Z-transform
Tutorial 2: Problems under Inverse Z-transform and Convolution theorem
Initial and Final value theorems
Formation of difference equation
Solution of difference equation using Z-transform.
Tutorial 3: Problems under Solution of difference equation using Z-transform.